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Sunday, May 26, 2024

Fee Agreements

If you are required to sign one in a contingency situation, don't do it. There may be demons in that agreement that may be interpreted as a way to indemnify and release them of anything that may be seen as careless or incompetent of your lawsuit.

All lawyers have a duty of care to their clients before, during and after their representation in any legal action.

They  must sign and notarize the client-friendly letter of engagement before any of their agreements are looked at and signed. Tell them to kick rocks if they have an issue.

Remember to run all lawyers through and to ask her if she/he has a maiden name.

You are allowed 24 hours to review any contract/agreement prior to their representation and to do a conflict check prior to them sending you anything. 

You must keep the original documents that they sign and notarize.

Also remember that this is about you and your effort in obtaining retribution.

They can't erase their history. 



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