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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Aiding and Abetting still resolves in my browser

That's what lawyers do when they consciously look out for their own.

That's why you need this client-friendly letter of engagement.

Its a violation of  a Model Rule of Professional Conduct

"There are two main contexts in which a lawyer can be caught up in an in-concert liability claim based upon legal services provided to a client.  The first is the claim that the lawyer aided the client in committing a tort (usually fraud) on the third party.  The second is the claim that the lawyer aided the client, or even caused the client, to breach a fiduciary duty to the third party.  The former context is the circumstance in which courts, relying on the Restatement (Second) of Torts, have typically envisioned application of in-concert liability for lawyers.  The second context is where most lawyers are actually sued for in-concert liability – and it is usually the more difficult circumstance for lawyers to foresee and avoid."


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