SRNM.COM Aid and abet their clients.
Clifford law see you as an asset and not a victim.
This is basing the telling of fraud and in-concert liabilities.
Court records are included on this blog and both law firms are viewing it.
What to you do when Jambois and Clifford lawyers take advantage of a mentally disabled person in order to get their "Legal Expenses" paid? My mother Never stood a chance in obtaining retribution for the only man she loved. Like the vast majority of lawyers, they were only in it for themselves. This was an attempt by a malicious deceptive law firm to sweep their incompetence under the rug. Adams County Illinois Case 2000L46 - CLIFFORD LAW GAVE NO LEGAL REASON FOR DISMISSING 2000L46
SRNM.COM Aid and abet their clients.
Clifford law see you as an asset and not a victim.
This is basing the telling of fraud and in-concert liabilities.
Court records are included on this blog and both law firms are viewing it.
There is a fax number that belongs to a lawyer that doesn't belong to the clifford law firm.
I used it and it went through. This is a method of damage control. It's most likely used so that clifford can invoke plausible deniability and say they were never contacted by a third party.
(Download Fax with fax confirmation.)
Then google the fax number.
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Only in Illinois.
These lawyers have no integrity, yet they hold themselves out to the public as people helping people.
Clifford and others keep visiting the evidence here. Yet they have no balls to do anything about it. They didn't have any problem ignoring my mother and neglecting their duty of care. I guess that's corrupt Illinois in action.
I'll be investigating how many cases that this law firm appeared in.
I already found another one.