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Friday, December 14, 2012

Dear Valued Reader

If you would like to send your ideas or other little bits of information. you can send them to my address. sean heeger, 2043 elm st. Quincy, il 62301. I'll be happy to confirm that your message has been delivered by posting it here.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Topics II

Topics: Steve Jambois, Official Site, Wrongful Death, Lack of due diligence, scope of representation, mental health, client with diminished capacity, model rule of professional conduct violations.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

the reason for this journal

 My Reason is purely Religious

"Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them."

-Ephesians 5:11

voice and e-mail

Still nothing from the lawyer. oh well, what can I say. The ambulance chasing days must be at an all time high. Gotta  steal earn that money...

I think i may have voice mail from Mr. Jambois. I'll be sharing it here shortly....


Don't do business with ANY lawyer without having this in place. You'll be glad you did.

Filing complaint if $50k isn't received.

request for receipts

I called Mr Jambois to see if I could see the cancelled checks for the experts that he allegedly hired for my deceased step dads case. He simply told me that I could come to Chicago if I wanted to view them.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


The question has always been this:

Who goes in the hospital with a constricted hernia in the middle of the night, then comes out of the operating room brain dead?

Oh, I know...

My Step dad, Phillip Tracy Pettice...

Who were the lawyers looking out for?

Exactly, they weren't looking out for anyone but themselves...

They got paid by SRNM.Com to dismiss the wrongful death lawsuit. 

A lawsuit that was filed under incorrect reasons of death.



Steve Jambois - Picture used under fair use.  

This guys gene pool needs lifeguards

Blessing Hospital et al wrongful death

Complaint and interrogatories.